
Legal Success Stories

The matter was settled with our assistance for R20,000

MP4767-12 Facts Our clients, the employees (Applicants), resigned under duress from their employer (Respondent) and claimed constructive dismissal. Our involvement We assisted our clients with settlement. Bear in mind that in a constructive dismissal matter, the client bears the onus to prove the unfairness of the dismissal. It is therefore noteworthy that our Firm, irrespective…

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The Respondent committed an unfair labour practice against the applicant

CASE NO PSSS605 – 06/07 AND LABOUR COURT CASE NO JR 2364/08 Facts This matter dates back to 2008 and began with an Arbitration that was heard by the SSSBC and was finalised on 31 October 2012. The Applicant was employed by the South African Police Services in the rank of Lieutenant Colonel (previously superintendent)…

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The Mutual Termination Agreement with her employer was signed

Settlement Facilitated by the Firm Facts Our client, the employee received a Retrenchment Notice. Our involvement We assisted our client throughout the process and advised her to make the most beneficial decision to her. She opted to resign and enter into a Mutual Termination Agreement. Success The Mutual Termination Agreement with her employer was signed…

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Client could happily continue working with a clean disciplinary record

Settlement Facilitated by the Firm (2016) Facts Our Client, the Employee, was issued with a Final Written Warning for alleged misconduct which he said he did not do. Our involvement We referred the matter to the CCMA as an unfair labour practice for actions short of dismissal. Success The day before the Con-Arb the Company…

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Re-instated our Client with immediate effect

Appeal by Firm results in Reinstatement (2016) Facts Our Client was unfairly dismissed by his Employer in 2016. Our involvement We assisted him by preparing his appeal to the sanction he received and we wrote a letter to the Employer. Success They reinstated our Client with immediate effect and with a clean record.

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Our clients include:

University Professors, CEO’s, Senior Executives, Deputy Ministers, employees at the Public Protector,
Senior Mining Engineers and employees in the Office of Deputy Ministers.

We have no fear representing our clients, welcoming any challenge. Our clients are from all levels of employment and walks of life.
Many of our clients have failed relationships with previous attorneys and find a welcome home for their cases with us.

Contact us




Boardwalk Meander A-97, Olympus, 0081
Tel: (012) 809 4461 / (012) 809 0664
Fax: (012) 809 4499
Mobile: 062 846 7692


Unit 8, Concept House A, 10 Pony Street
Tijgervallei Office Park
Silver Lakes Road